International Advanced Endoscopy

International Advanced Endoscopy Masterclass (AEM)
12-09-2024 to 13-09-2024

Royal Free International AEM London
12-13 September 2024
Early bird registration
Deadline 31 July
Regular registration
(after 31 July 2024)
Onsite registration
(ESGE members qualify for a 20% discount and other endorsing society members for a 10% on the following fees)
Hands-on Courses Registration Fees:
Hands-on Course ESD (12th or 13th) £950 £1100 £1400
Hands-on Course Capsule Endoscopy (12th) £350 £450 £700
Hands-on Course Haemostasis (12th) £350 £450 £700
Hands-on Course Endoscopic Suturing, Bariatric and Defect Closure (13th) £950 £1100 £1400
Hands-on Course ERCP & EUS (13th) £750 £850 £1100
Combined Packages (1 day each course)
Hands-on Course ESD (12th) & Endoscopic Suturing, Bariatric and Defect Closure (13th) £1500 £1800 £2100
Hands-on Course ESD (12th) & ERCP & EUS (13th) £1300 £1600 £1900
Hands-on Course Haemostasis (12th) & ESD (13th)
£1200 £1400 £1700
Hands-on Course Haemostasis (12th) & Endoscopic Suturing, Bariatric and Defect Closure (13th)
£1200 £1400 £1700
Hands-on Course Haemostasis (12th) & ERCP & EUS (13th) £900 £1100 £1500
Hands-on Course Capsule Endoscopy (12th) & ESD (13th) £1200 £1400 £1700
Hands-on Course Capsule Endoscopy (12th) & Endoscopic Suturing, Bariatric and Defect Closure (13th) £1200 £1400 £1700
Hands-on Course Capsule Endoscopy (12th) & ERCP & EUS (13th) £900 £1100 £1500
Networking Dinner (12 September 2024)
Networking Dinner with the Faculty £69 £89 £90

Our Patrons :

2024 Endorsement