International Advanced Endoscopy

International Advanced Endoscopy Masterclass (AEM)
12-09-2024 to 13-09-2024

International Advanced Endoscopy Masterclass (AEM)
12-13 September 2024 London

8:30-9:30 Neuroendocrine Tumours Symposia
9:30-17:00 International AEM London Endoscopy Hands-on Courses running in parallel 
Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) Course (Thursday & Friday)
ERCP & EUS Course (Friday only)
Capsule Endoscopy Course (Thursday only)
Haemostasis Course (Thursday only)
Endoscopic Suturing, Bariatric and Defect Closure Course (Friday only)

Welcome and Introduction 
Thursday 12 September 2024
Dr Edward J. Despott & Dr Alberto Murino
Directors of International AEM

NET Symposium 
Thursday 12 September 2024
Gastro-duodenal and rectal NETs: Implementation of ENETS 2023 guidelines into clinical practice 
Chairs: Prof Caplin – Prof Toumpanakis – Dr Despott – Dr Murino
08:30 – 08:35 Introduction 
08:35 – 08:55 Gastro-duodenal NETs 
08:55 – 09:05 Rectal NETs Dr 
09:05 – 09:25 Discussion - Diagnostic and treatment challenges in daily practice 
09:25 – 09:30 Conclusions  
09:30 Close
International AEM London Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) 
Thursday 12 & Friday 13 September 2024
Hands-on Training Course with International Experts 
Lead ESD Demonstrator: Prof Hironori Yamamoto
Jichi Medical University, Japan
Dedicated ESD Course Lectures I
ESD when and Why Prof Hironori Yamamoto 
The Pocket Creation Method (PCM) Prof Hironori Yamamoto
ESD technical tips & tricks Prof Yoshikazu Hayashi
Diathermy for ESD Prof Hironori Yamamoto
ESD hands-on training
Dedicated ESD Course Lectures II
How to manage difficult scenarios Prof Yoshikazu Hayashi
Management of ESD adverse event 
ESD hands-on training
ESD Trainers: TBC

International AEM London Capsule Endoscopy Course 
Thursday 12 September 2024
Hands-on Training Course with International Experts 
Welcome and introduction 
Setting up the system and patient preparation 
Reading and reporting 
Hands-on familiarisation 
Coffee Break
Normal variants 
Interpreting common pathologies 
Hands-on cases 
Patient selection, risks and complications 
Hands-on cases 
Case examples and interactive discussion 
Hands-on cases 
The emerging role of the colon capsule 

Closing summary 

Capsule Endoscopy Faculty: TBC

Haemostasis Course 
Thursday 12 September 2024

Lead Demonstrator: TBC
Preparation: Resuscitation, preparing the team, equipment required, preparing the room, non-technical skills 
Non-variceal bleeding: Injection, diathermy, clipping (OTSC), topical agents, tips & pitfalls 
Variceal: Banding, injection therapy, Danis stenting, tips & pitfalls 
Haemostasis hands-on training 
Haemostasis hands-on training 
Endoscopic Suturing, Bariatric and Defect Closure Course 
Friday 13 September 2024

Lead Demonstrator: TBC
Preparation: Preparing the team, equipment required, preparing the room, non-technical skills 
Basic suturing skills with different devices 
Apollo Endosurgery Overstitch™, Endotools Endomina™ 
Endoscopic gastroplasty suturing technique 
Potential adverse events and their management 
Closure of defects - TTSC, OTSC, Boston Scientific Mantis clip™, Apollo Endosurgery X-Tack™ 
Hands-on training 
Hands-on training 
ESG Faculty: TBC 

International AEM London ERCP & EUS 
Friday 13 September 2024
Hands-on Training Course with International Experts 
Dr Andrea Anderloni 
ERCP Lectures
Anatomy and anatomical variations 
Biliary & pancreatic cannulation 
Sphincterotomy & pre-cut 
EUS Lectures
EUS imaging of mediastinal lymph nodes and the oesophagus 
EUS imaging of the stomach and pancreas 
Therapeutic EUS 
ERCP & EUS hands-on training 
ERCP & EUS hands-on training
ERCP & EUS Trainers: TBC

Our Patrons :

2024 Endorsement