Royal Free International Advanced Endoscopy Masterclass
AEM Programe

Royal Free
International Advanced Endoscopy Masterclass
31.08.2017 – 02.09.2017

Venue: The Royal Society of Medicine, 1 Wimpole Street, London
Thursday 31 August AM

08:00 – 08:45 Registration
08:45 Welcome and Introduction
Dr Edward J. Despott, Dr Alberto Murino, Prof Massimo Pinzani, Dr Charles D. Murray,
Prof Thierry Ponchon, Prof Ibrahim Mostafa & Sir David Sloman
Upper GI session
Chairs: Prof Ibrahim Mostafa, Prof Stefan Seewald & Dr Alberto Murino

09:15 Performance measures for upper GI endoscopy: Prof Raf Bisschops

(Including ESGE QIE guidance)

09:30 Transnasal upper GI endoscopy: Prof Thierry Ponchon

Upper GI lesions

09:45 Enhanced lesion detection and recognition: Prof Krish Ragunath

10:00 Lesion resection: Prof Stefan Seewald

10:15 – 10:30 Discussion

10.30 – 11.00 Coffee Break

Chairs: Prof Raf Bisschops, Prof Andrea May & Prof Marianna Arvanitakis

11:00 Barrett's update: Dr Rehan Haidry

Upper GI bleeding

11:15 Non-variceal: Prof Andrea May

11:30 Variceal: Prof Ibrahim Mostafa

11:45 TIPS: Dr David Patch

12:00 – 13:00 Lunch

Thursday 31 August PM

Myotomies & endoscopic plication session
Chairs: Prof Guido Costamagna, Dr Bu Hayee & Prof Thierry Ponchon

13:00 POEM & G-POEM: Mr Amyn Haji

13:15 Endoscopic management of pharyngeal pouches: Prof Jacques Deviere

13:30 Endoscopic plication: Dr Mostafa Ibrahim

13:45 Discussion

Small bowel session

Chairs: Prof Hironori Yamamoto, Prof Andrea May & Dr Edward J. Despott

14:00 Small bowel capsule: Prof Mark E. McAlindon

14:15 Double-balloon enteroscopy: Prof Hironori Yamamoto

14:30 – 15:00 Coffee Break

15:15 Emerging indications for DAE: Prof Andrea May

15.30 Future developments: Prof Marianna Arvanitakis

15:45 Radiological complimentary technologies: Dr Peter Wylie

16.00 Small bowel interactive Q&A : Dr Edward J. Despott

16:15 Discussion

16.30 Closing remarks Dr Edward J. Despott & Dr Alberto Murino

Friday 1 September AM

Hepatobiliary session
Chairs: Prof Nageshwar Reddy, Prof Jacques Deviere, Dr George Webster & Prof Douglas Faigel

09.00 High quality ERCP technique: Prof Guido Costamagna

(Including ESGE QIE guidance)

09:15 ERCP complications: Prof Nageshwar Reddy

09:30 Endobiliary endoscopic imaging: Dr George Webster

09:45 Novel endoscopic approaches in the management of biliary strictures: Prof Steve Pereira

10:00 Discussion

10:15 – 10:45 Coffee Break

Chairs: Prof Guido Costamagna, Prof Marianna Arvanitakis & Dr Douglas Thorburn

10:45 EUS update: Prof Douglas Faigel

11.00 Endoscopic management of abdominal collections: Prof Jacques Deviere

11:15 Diagnosis and management of borderline pancreatic cancer: Mr Giuseppe Kito Fusai

11:30 Discussion

Keynote lecture
Chair: Dr Edward J. Despott
11:45 – 12.15 The future of interventional GI endoscopy: Prof Hironori Yamamoto

12.15 – 13:00 Lunch

Friday 1 September PM

Lower GI session
Chairs: Prof Brian P. Saunders, Prof Pradeep Bhandari & Dr Alberto Murino

13:00 High quality colonoscopy technique: Dr Siwan Thomas-Gibson

(Including ESGE QIEguidance)

13:15 Double-balloon colonoscopy for technically challenging cases: Dr Chris Fraser

13:30 Colon capsule: Prof Owen Epstein

13:45 Enhanced lesion detection: Prof Pradeep Bhandari

14:00 Colonic lesion characterisation: Dr Alberto Murino

14:15 Discussion

14.30 – 15:00 Coffee Break

Chairs: Prof Hironori Yamamoto, Dr Edward J Despott & Dr Noriko Suzuki

15:00 EMR: Prof Brian P. Saunders

15:15 ESD: Prof Hironori Yamamoto

15:30 Lower GI bleeding: Dr Björn Rembacken

16:00 Discussion

Closing remarks: Dr Edward J. Despott & Dr Alberto Murino
Saturday 2 September

ESD hands-on training day with international experts

(Limited to 25/30 trainees in dedicated 5/6 groups)

Dedicated lectures

08:30 ESD when and why: Prof Hironori Yamamoto

08:45 ESD techniques: Prof Hironori Yamamoto

09:00 ESD training: Dr Noriko Suzuki

09:30 – 13:00 ESD hands-on training

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch


13:00 Understanding the ERBE VIO®: Dr Bu Hayee

13:15 How to manage difficult scenarios: Prof Hironori Yamamoto

13.30 ESD in Europe 2017: Prof Thierry Ponchon

14:00 – 17:00 ESD hands-on training

ESD trainers

Prof Hironori Yamamoto

Prof Thierry Ponchon

Prof Brian P. Saunders

Mr Amyn Haji

Dr Noriko Suzuki

Prof Pradeep Bhandari

Prof Krish Ragunath

Dr Björn Rembacken

Dr Edward J. Despott

Dr Alberto Murino

Dr Erasmia Vlachou

Dr Bu Hayee

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